International Journals of Economic and Business Management

Vol. 9(2), pp. 27-35, March, 2021.

ISSN: 2384-6151

DOI: 10.14662/IJEBM2021.030



Full Length Research


Resettlement and Livelihoods of the Settlers in Ethiopia


Nugusa Abajobir1 and Nasir Ababulgu2


1.Department of Agribusiness and Value Chain Management, Wollega University, Shambu Campus.

Corresponding author�s Email:


2.Department of Agribusiness and Value Chain Management, Wollega University, Shambu Campus.



Accepted 14 March 2021



Purpose: The objectives of the paper are to appraise the experience of resettlement in Ethiopia, causes, impacts and its contribution especially in Ethiopia.

Methodology: It was undertaken by compiling, analyzing and discussing different secondary materials which are believed to address our scope.

Findings: The causes of resettlement according to this review are inter-regional conflicts, boundary and political conflicts and disaster induced resettlement and its impact on land use, vegetation cover and conservation; and deforestation are presented. The contribution of resettlement based on the reviewed documents are natural capital (land and water), human capital (education and health services), financial capital (access to credit and cash generation), physical capital (livestock, transport, market link and irrigation canals), and social capital (local social institutions).

Practical implication: The results of this article imply that there is a need to closely follow up the settlers to address the impacts of resettlement and appreciate its contribution for the peoples and areas.

Originality value: The potential conclusion that the authors forwarded based on this review is collective engagement to minimize its negative impact and call up to peaceful conflict resolution which is inclusive and participatory by taking from both indigenous and government mechanism that will result in a new long term stability of the peoples at large.


Keywords: Resettlement, Causes, Impacts, Contribution, Ethiopia


Cite This Article As: Nugusa A., Nasir A. (2021). Resettlement and Livelihoods of the Settlers in Ethiopia. Inter. J. Econ. Bus. Manage. 9(2): 27-35